martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Ignorant Customer At Bookstore # 1

Customer: - Do you have the book and DVD of "Big Boy"?

Employee: -I'm sorry, there´s nothing under the name of "Big Boy" in our catalogue.

Customer: -But the website said you did! You have to have it!

Employee: I'm so...

Customer: It was on the website!

Employee: I don't...

Customer: It was that movie, with that English actor...

Employee: Oh, you mean, "About a boy", with Hugh Grant?

Customer: ... Maybe.

Employee: Is this the one? *shows her the cover of the book, with the movie poster*

Customer: Yes! Can't we transfer this into an e-book?

Employee: *sighs, angrily*

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

The Worst Thing a BookAddict Can Do... work in a bookshop. For all of you, book minions: don't work on a bookstore! I know, it's every reader's dream, right? Books, books, books, everywhere! 
But lets face it: you would be working for buying books, and every new title you get tempted with, will increase you TBR pile, and lower your saving accounts, and it's an endless wheel of working with books to buy books! 

Unless you have a considerable amount of self-control, and in that case... I beg you to teach me your method! :)