lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover

(It's very hard to find novellas as good as books, and I'm pleased to say that this is one of the exceptions.)

6 Stars to Colleen Hoover's new novella! This was PERFECTION. I just, ugh... so many feels right now. It's amazing how much I love this woman's stories. 

This novella is from Holder's best friend Daniel's POV, and he's a sweetheart. He's funny as hell, but also very very sweet. Six and him are so right for each other, they're a great couple. The prologue was one of the best prologues I've ever read: there's so much emotion on it. Finding your exception is always a big deal, and Colleen portraited it beautifully in here.

We get to see Sky and Holder and Breckin again! I love Holden and Daniel's relationship: they're such good friends, always there for each other. 
“For real,” I say. “You’re my best friend and I love you. I’m not ashamed to admit that I love a guy. I love you, Holder. Daniel Wesley loves Dean Holder. Always and forever.”
“Daniel, go make out with your girlfriend,” he says, waving me off.
I shake my head. “Not until you tell me you love me, too.”
His head falls back against Sky’s headboard. “I fucking love you, now GO AWAY!”
I grin. “I love you more.” 
I laughed so hard during this scene.

There was a mayor twist that I didn't see coming AT ALL. Usually, either my best friend or me, guess the upcoming of the story and is frustrating at times, but this? I had no idea what was happening! It was so well done, I had to re read some parts to catch the meaning in some of the things Six said.
I want to re read and re read this story again. It is THAT good. 

Anyone who hasn't read Colleen Hoover's books: GO-BUY-THEM-NOW. They're life changing stories.   

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